Social Media Content

Virals, stories & trailers

A campaign that takes on a life of its own on social media? That's what every company dreams of. The best way to do that is with strong video content that contains a clear message, is unique and creates a recognisable feeling. Whether it's for YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or TikTok, GO Productions is your partner for interactive video content for social media.

Trailers & teasers

A trailer or teaser is the perfect way to get potential customers excited about a project or product. This is best done with attractive images and an appealing call to action. It is important that the message is right from the start. By helping to determine the content as early as the concept phase, we succeed in this every time.

Electronic Press Kits

An Electronic Press Kit is the ideal way to convince media of your project. An important part of an Electronic Press Kit is attractive visual material, because with the switch to online and social, there is much more room today for beautiful, accompanying images. Anyone who bets on this as a company is guaranteed to stand out.

Photo content

If you want more engagement on social media, give your audience a sneak peek behind the scenes! The 'making of' shows which preparation process preceded a video project. This way, you show that a lot of thought and customisation goes into making a video. GO Productions can help you with professional photography.

GO Productions Studio

GO Productions has a spacious studio that makes all your creative ambitions possible. The studio is equipped with a "green screen,"custom lighting and an ultra-professional audio system. Whether you want to organize an online showcase, a podcast or a photo session, our studio offers plenty of possibilities.

Podcast - Vodcast

Podcasts and vodcasts are becoming increasingly popular, including in corporate communications and on social media. You get the space to go deeper into a particular topic and shareyour expertise with the outside world. Whether in our studio or on location, GO Productions guides you through the entire process and creates a podcast and vodcast that is listened to and watched.

More than 6 billion hours of video are viewed on YouTube every month. Take the plunge too,
dare and use video as a powerful marketing tool to highlight your brand or business.

These clients choose GO Productions

A video for everyone's budget...
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Reach your customers with expressive, radiant content.
This is where we come in: audiovisual marketing is our passion!